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Friday, January 2, 2009

Why such a delay??

Ok Rob here is a posting for you. Many of you don't know how busy I was during the holiday season. I was busy making presents, baking cookies, babysitting for four children and at the end I was also entertaining house guest for the holidays. Although I love to all of those things, it doesn't give me much free time to do anything else. That is why there has been such a delay on blogging. I did sit down tonight to get the Christmas background off and the "Ho Ho Ho" sign down. I will post some picture on here sometime this weekend. You all will be overwhelmed with how many pictures I have, but at least you all will know that I was thinking about how I wanted to blog all the moments. Now that things are calming down, I hope to keep up better with my blog.


Robin G. said...


Morgan said...

I was starting to wonder why you hadn't had any new posts for so long!

I'm glad you guys had a good Christmas! Jennifer's making the traveling rounds- she'll be coming our way next month! It's been nothing but an emotional rollercoaster here with the house stuff lately.