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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas Pictures

I know...it is the middle of January and I'm just now getting them on here. But at least I'm getting them on here.

We had such a good Christmas!! My sister-in-law Jennifer from Georgia came up to stay with us a few day and with her in-laws too. I was so nice to see them. We had a great time Christmas morning when the kids woke up. There was so many presents under the tree between my two kids and her three kids. Molly had a tree in her room, and when she woke up she came running to us and told us how Santa put 2 presents under her tree. It was so cute. Then the night before we spread reindeer food outside that she made in preschool. She even made some for her cousin Jason. We go online and got to see where Santa was, and when she saw that he was close, we ran to the bedroom, read some Christmas books, and then she was out. After opening the presents at our house we pack up and go to Nana's in our Christmas PJ's. We open present over there and have Christmas lunch. Then we go home and I start to get my house, and myself ready for my side of the family to come over for presents and dinner. It is a little crazy and a lot in one day, but I love it that we all get together. I felt very blessed this year. I have a great husband, two gorgeous kids, and some wonderful friends. What else can you ask for??


Robin G. said...

Wow!!! She looks more like Chloe every single day!!!

Morgan said...

Great pictures Christy! I'm glad you guys had such a great Christmas!

The reindeer food sounds like fun! I've seen the recipe somewhere, but have never made it with the kids before.