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Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Very Quiet House!!

My girls went to Alabama yestureday with their "Nana & Pa". They are going to be gone for a week. Although this is a much needed break, I can't believe how quiet the house is. I could have thought a hundred times lastnight that I could hear little feet coming down the hallway. I talked to Donna lastnight & she said that they are doing good. She said that Carly only fussed when they were about 20 minutes from getting to Aunt Nessa's house & she said that she was saying "My house". I have no doubt that Molly will be fine. Carly on the other hand tends to be a homebody. Nana & Pa may not ask to take both girls again for a while after this trip :) Im not sure what to do with all this me time....


Robin G. said...

I know!!! You can work on my birthday present.....or Christmas present, either one. Oh, wait, you gave me my Christmas present already.....hum....that still leaves my birthday!! You better get crackin', you only have a week! Ha! Ha! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey what about my Christmas present? Or, birthday present? Or, the most wonderful sister in law in the world award? Yeah...that one. I like that one. :0)

The Bestest Sister in Law in the Whole World...of course I don't need to sign my name because you know who I am! Hee hee!