OMG!!! I'm so glad to be back. I had a GREAT time in Denver, but that is going to have to be another blog. Getting there and getting back was awful. Like I said before I can't stand to fly. I was able to get some medicine to come my nerves. The bottle and the nurse told me to take it 1-2 tablets 30 minutes before flight. I did. We had to get on a LITTLE, what I want to call a toy plane, that we had to board OUTSIDE!! It was cold raining and it was about 6 am. The were in no hurry to get us on, so I had to stand there outside one the steps to the plane for quiet some time. I did get pretty upset. Stephany and Dennese suggested that I go ahead a take another pill because it seemed as it wasn't working for me. So I did. We got up in the air and things went Ok. The rest of it I don't remember. LOL!! The girls said that I was walking very, very slow. I didn't say much, but when I was asked if I was ok, I just smiled and said yes. I don't remember leaving Chicago to go to Denver, and pretty much most of that day. BUT....the best part of that is...I don't remember flying at all and to me that is GREAT!!
Now coming home wasn't to bad. I got on the plan to go to Chicago fine (with the help of 1 pill). Once we were in Chicago, we had a little of a lay over. When it came time for our plane to leave it couldn't because of a maintenance problem. The were trying to tell us that they were going to get it fix and we would only be delayed for 1 hour. My nerves really didn't like that. I didn't want to get on ANY plane that was having ANY kind of maintenance problems. I was really upset last night. Finally, they did canceled our flight. The airline put us up in a room and gave us a food voucher. We were able to get a flight home at around 7am this morning and I pulled into my driveway around 11:30 am.
I was never so excited to see my children's smiley faces!! When I came into the house and was finally able to put my arms around their little bodies tears of joy ran down my face like never before. I was also so glad to give my husband a huge kiss and enjoyed so much to be wrapped up in his arms again.
I know to many, flying isn't anything to you. But it is too me. I hope that the next time you fly and you may noticed that there is someone over there in the corner crying or pacing, that maybe my story will help you to understand maybe that they are going through the samething I did. Anyways, thanks for all of your Prayers!!!